Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Use the force!

I wish that "the force" was real - I'm pretty sure it would come in handy on a regular basis. Although I am not necessarily a huge fan of Star Wars, I have a husband who grew up in the 80's, and a 7 year old son. This means that I am surrounded by Star Wars paraphernalia whether I like it or not! So, I have decided to embrace this in the best way possible - knitted goodies from Etsy! :-)

The least-blurry of them all...7 year old + light saber + Halloween = blurry!

A few months ago Seth decided that he was planning on being Luke Skywalker for Halloween. This fit in perfectly with my homemade costume mantra, so it was a welcome selection. We used an old pair of khaki pants, a white t-shirt, and a tan robe that we found at the thrift store for $1.50, plus an additional $1.50 for a brown wrap belt, and we were all set. He already had a light sabre, which (according to said 7 year old boy) is absolutely the most important part of the costume.

"Size matters not...judge me by my size, do you?"

And then there was Eleanor. What to do with our new baby girl? Yoda seemed to be the obvious choice! Small...yet powerful. Quiet, but can command a room. Bald...well...that fits her, too! Who knew that Etsy offered so many yoda hat options? I ordered ours from KreativeKroshay, and it is too cute! We will certainly be wearing it in the coming months, and it is even flying with us to Florida tomorrow. Eleanor and I are flying down with my sister and her youngest daughter to visit our grandmother - Granny. I'm so thankful that Eleanor will have the opportunity to sit on her lap and giggle for her. I'm already certain that my special Friday moment will be a picture of them that I will cherish for years to come. Until then, here is another great image for you! (Please ignore the counter that is completely covered in lunch boxes, recycling, mail, etc. Let's use the force on that, shall we?)

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